Tag Archives: exercise

From Fat to Fab!


Okay, I’m already fab but need to get rid of some of this flab, in a healthier lifestyle, more energy type way. I am exclusively breastfeeding and introducing solids to my 9 mo old. I decided while breastfeeding, I would not beat myself up over my weight or eating. I have four kiddos, but this one is my last and only one to breastfeed beyond a few weeks. I didn’t want to stress myself out, and I wanted to enjoy it while it lasted. Everything seems so fleeting these days especially babyhood. Plus, it’s not like I was in shape and thin before hand. I had pre-existing condition called “fat” way before this little one.

I have been wanting to start working out for awhile but just needed to start. Plus there was always too many toys it seems strewn all over the living room floor for me to have space to do anything. Actually, my real motivation for wanting to exercise was not to lose weight really but to be in better shape, healthier, and to have more energy. I often feel like a deflated balloon. I want to not tire out before I get around the block. (And that’s just walking with the kids, not running or anything. Baby steps folks, baby steps.)

So this morning, with my 9mo old passed out for a nap, I decided to start now, like this morning…with a dance workout I had bought a long time ago bc it looked fun. It’s called “Hip Hop Abs” (gonna have to come back for a link). Here it is: http://www.beachbody.com/product/fitness_programs/hip_hop_abs.do.   It’s by Beachbody. I don’t know if I’m perfectionist, but I know that usually I wait til I have everything planned out and everything needed before I want to start something…but guess what? It never happens. Ever. I just have to doing something with what I have now with what I’m able to do now. I will incorporate more and do better as I go along. I took some (embarrassing lol) pics so I can document and compare as I go.
Here’s my before pics:

(Gulp. I don’t know if I’ll have the balls to publish these pics)



And yup, that’s a bandanna and pj pants. I don’t really have workout clothes (yet) but that’s okay. I did put on a shirt afterwards. I took the pic shirtless to see the work that needs to be done lol.

My 3 yo daughter started out with me but got bored quick. As a momma trying to start exercising, these are the hurdles people (for me anyway): time, energy, lack of sleep from babies being up throughout the night, getting flipping started with something, stating started. So, not too far into it my  3yo is demanding to do something else to get me to stop. I tell her to go play, she pouts for a bit but ends up playing in her room. I try not to think about what a fool I look like trying to do these dance moves and when I get lost, just have fun with it. It’s a 30 minute workout. I make it til there’s only 10 minutes left before the baby wakes up. I try to set him nearby to play so I can finish, but my hunger hits me like a wave. I feel sick, weak and shaky. I do have problems with my blood sugar. I should have a had a light snack to prevent that. So I don’t technically finish , but I did way better than I normally would have. I was ready to quit  2minutes in! Ha! So, here’s to publishing this for accountability for tomorrow’s workout!